Top 15 Interview Questions

You should have answers prepared for these questions.

  1. Describe your ideal job and/or boss.
  2. Why are you looking for a job? Why are leaving your current position?
  3. What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?
  4. Tell me about yourself.
  5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  6. Describe some of your most important career accomplishments.
  7. What are your short-term/long-term goals?
  8. Describe a time when you were faced with a challenging situation and how you handled it.
  9. What are your salary requirements?
  10. Why are you interested in this position? Our company?
  11. What would your former boss/colleagues say about you?
  12. What are the best and worst aspects of your previous job?
  13. What do you know about our company?
  14. What motivates you? How do you motivate others?
  15. Are you willing to relocate?
Don't forget to write a brief ‘Thank You’ note to the person or people who interviewed you. You may be the only candidate who performed this small courtesy!


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